
SOL Flourishing

immerse yourself in healing energy

Published 8 months ago • 4 min read


Reiki immerses you in healing energy, allowing your mind and body to repair themselves on deeper levels than is possible through traditional medical treatments.

One client recently told me how Reiki healed his jaw condition. He'd dealt with jaw tightness for decades. He'd visited doctors and specialists, to no avail.

After one Reiki session, he felt his jaw soften and release, to an extent he hadn't felt in years. His jaw remained soft and loose in the weeks that followed. This client recently had his fifth Reiki session. After each session, he notices his jaw is even softer and more relaxed than before.

I never touched his jaw. I simply directed healing energy toward his jaw, and Reiki did the rest.

You may be wondering - how does a Reiki session go? How does a Reiki session look and feel? What's it like to receive Reiki?

Read on to learn more!

Your Reiki session: an immersion in healing energy

For an in-person Reiki session, I provide a thickly padded massage table and a fresh linen sheet. You lie down on the table, face up or face down, and you let yourself get nice and comfortable. You close your eyes and let your body relax into the softness of the table.

I turn on soothing music to set a healing tone. I light sage and palo santo wood to set a healing intention. I ring a bell or a Tibetan singing bowl to help you clear your mind and relax.

Once you've settled into a relaxed state, I connect to Reiki energy through a series of prayers. I envision sacred Reiki symbols and invoke the universal life force energy. I invite Reiki energy to activate within me so I can share it with you.

Once I feel connected to Reiki, I direct my hands to different areas of your body. Sometimes I will touch you, gently placing my palms on the chosen spot. Other times I let my hands hover just above your body. As I do this with my hands, I'm asking the universal life force energy to activate in your body for the purpose of healing.

Clients report a number of different experiences while in the Reiki energy.

Almost everyone describes being in a state of deep peace and relaxation, like they've sunk far beneath the waves of stress and worry. They feel their body soften and release tension to an extent they haven't felt in months or years.

Many clients describe going into a trance-like state, where they may have spiritual visions. Some clients encounter the spirits of living or deceased loved ones. These loved ones sometimes communicate with the client and provide them guidance or assurance. Some clients envision nature scenes: a surging ocean, an ancient forest, the songs of birds. One client saw himself as an angel with massive, sprawling wings. These angel wings gently embraced the client's inner child, providing long-awaited comfort and healing.

Clients often describe feeling energetic shifts during the session. One client who has been struggling with issues around eating and digestion described gently rolling waves of energy moving up and down his abdomen, in a way that felt soothing and healing. Another client said it felt like a hand was moving through the inside of his body and gently shifting his energy into a more pleasant and stable state.

Clients sometimes experience emotional releases during a session. One experience stands out. I was treating a man in his 50s. This man is stoic and reserved by nature. As I placed my hands in the area of his heart, he suddenly burst out into deep, cathartic sobbing, like he was releasing pain he'd been carrying for ages.

When it's time to end the session, I gently bring you back into the space of the room. I'll invite you to smell an essential oil such as eucalyptus or lemongrass. I'll burn sage and palo santo once again, to clear any energies that were released during the session. I'll then ask you about your experience and invite you to reflect on what happened. This lets you integrate the Reiki experience more fully, so you can continue to heal in the days and weeks to come.

Next week: results from Reiki

Last week, I described Reiki generally.

Today, I described how your Reiki session might look and feel.

Next week, I'll tell you about the results Reiki has delivered for my clients.

Reiki not only provides a pleasant experience during the session. Reiki also generates lasting results that help you feel better, think more clearly, and enjoy life more. I'm excited to tell you about some of the incredible results I've seen.

Sign up for your free Reiki consult call

I offer a free one-hour consult call over Zoom.

During the call, we'll start with a light meditation. I'll then interview you to learn what you're struggling with, what you've tried, and what results you're hoping for. I'll then share my vision for how Reiki can help you achieve the results you're seeking.

Simply email me back and say: Joe, let's schedule my consult call! I'll guide you from there.

Until next week!



4443 Point Vicente, Oceanside, CA 92058
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