
SOL Flourishing

how Mitch got his groove back

Published 3 months ago • 3 min read

Today, I'm going to share the story of a man named Mitch.

Mitch is a composite of several clients I've worked with.

I share Mitch's story to help you better understand both how I can serve you and how your life can improve as a result.

Mitch is a 43-year old husband & father who dearly loves his family.

Even though he loves his family, Mitch struggles to be around his family sometimes, especially when he's not feeling right inside.

Mitch feels like he constantly coming up short as a husband & father.

After long & draining days at work, Mitch finds himself dreading family time. He stays in the driveway for ten extra minutes scrolling his phone before heading inside.

Last week, Mitch blew up on his 8-year old son for spilling milk again. Since then, his son has been acting guarded & withdrawn.

Mitch's interactions with his wife have been feeling flat & hollow. He can't remember the last time they said something truly interesting or inspiring to each other.

Most nights, Mitch is watching the clock until he can retreat to his room to hit the vape pen & play X-Box by himself.

Mitch's wife notices he's going through the motions. She feels like Mitch is not emotionally invested & not truly present. She grows more resentful & frustrated with Mitch as the weeks & months go by.

Mitch wants to go golfing on Saturday morning, for some much needed time away.

When he tells his wife, she protests, & then agrees grudgingly. Mitch leaves for the golf course feeling like he's on borrowed time.

It's hard for Mitch to truly enjoy the round. He's afraid to look at his phone because he doesn't want to see a tense text from his wife about something going wrong at home.

After the round, Mitch stays at the clubhouse for a beer, a burger, then another beer, heck one more - anything to delay the inevitable return home.

Eventually, Mitch decides that this continue any longer.

He doesn't like the direction his family life is heading.

He doesn't want to lose his wife.

He doesn't want to create strife & distance in his relationships with his kids.

He knows that his family can be healthier & happier together.

Mitch doesn't want to wait any longer for change to come.

Mitch wants to make change happen.

And he wants to start today.

Mitch sees my ad on social media:

Eager for those results, Mitch signs up to work with me for 13 sessions. Mitch invests in self-healing, self-discovery, and self-improvement. He signs up for a season of flourishing!

Soon after starting our sessions, Mitch begins noticing improvements.

Mitch notices that his interactions with his wife are more spontaneous, engaging, & playful. It reminds Mitch of how they used to talk when they first started dating.

Instead of escaping into his room to vape & play video games by himself, most nights, Mitch leaves the vape pen in the dresser drawer & he plays X-Box with his kids instead!

When Mitch goes golfing on Saturday morning, his wife sends him off with a kiss & a smile. Her look says it all: you've done such a great job around the house this week, you deserve this time to yourself.

Mitch enjoys his round of golf. At one point he thinks of a text message that'll make his wife laugh. Mitch sends the text with a grin, eager to see her reply.

After the round, Mitch feels grateful & content. Mitch stays for a beer & then tells his friends he's heading home.

As Mitch puts on his seatbelt to head for home, he pictures the loved ones he about to see again, & he can't help but smile.

I want to help you transform your life the way Mitch transformed his.

I want you to experience more trust, affection, & playfulness at home.

I want you to feel empowered to do the activities you truly love doing.

I want you to live the inspired, loving life you know is possible.

If you're ready to invest in your flourishing, message me to schedule your free consultation:

Tell me how you've been struggling.

Tell me what changes you want to see.

I'll tell you how, together, we can overcome those struggles & turn your heartfelt desire into reality.



SOL Flourishing

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